Sabah Sarawak Update
Sabah Sarawak Update

Yong Teck Lee Ruins Sabah Environment


He just care about timber tycoons, not Sabahans

During the tenure of Yong Teck Lee in as little as 2 years, he approved some 265 logging licences covering over 300,000 ha (an area 5 times larger than the island of Singapore).

These licences were given to cronies, associates, non-Sabahans included, and is clearly an act of gross irresponsibility at the expense of environmental conservation, sustainability and public interest.The delegation of authority to approve logging areas given by Cabinet to Datuk Yong Teck Lee as CM, was well and truly taken advantage of and abused by Yong to reward his friends, cronies and supporters.

Can you imagine what will happen if SAPP were to come back into power?


Chin,Keningau at: 24 May 2011 at 11:23 said...

Datuk Tham Nyit Shen..buat apa cakap sekarang ini bila isu sudah menjadi basi? Kenapa dulu sama2 dalam kabinet tak bantah tidak setuju! Mungkin Tham ada agenda lain yg tersirat dlm hati biar pun sama2 pengasas SAPP dgn YTL? Nampak gayanya Tham yg tdk jujur sebagai kawan yg boleh disimpulkan sebagai sudah berniat TIKAM KAWAN DARI BELAKANG. Atas kelibat dan status politik Tham itu, bolehkah rakyat mempercayai 100% atau Tham sengaja buat publisiti mengutuk YTL kerana sudah kecewa dan berdendam pula dgn YTL Sebagai seorang tokoh politik bhwa jikalau ada riak2 berperangai seperti itu, tidak layak dipanggil pemimpin dan bukanlah sifat seorang pemimpin "Gentlement" tetapi "cowards".

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