
Yong Teck Lee to Overpays Mutalib RM269 Thousands a Year

Reader's Email

More expensive than thestar.com.my & malaysiakini.com

(translated by reader named 'WEE' on his own accord - thank you WEE)

LUYANG, 21 May:  SAPP-Sabahkini sponsorship worth $ 7, 500 a month approximately RM22, 500 if materialized soon to become most expensive price for web portal sponsors in Malaysia's history. It even greater than the cost of managing giant Malaysia' portals including thestar.com.my and malaysiakini.com.

"Sabahkini was sponsored by Jeffrey Kitingan"

The real monthly expenses of Sabahkini estimate at only USD23.65 a month according to the analysis of KL-based Sapdal IT correspondent recently. With monthly payments that much, Sapp president Datuk Seri Panglima Yong Teck Lee is going to overpays as much as RM269, 148.72 a year to its owner namely Ahmad Muttalib Mohammed Daud or better known as Mutalib MD

Sabahkini a web portal with with 500 daily visitors prior to this was quoted as being sponsored by several parties including the YB Salleh Kalbi, Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan and Datu Akjan 'Sultan Sulu'-Sapdal Krew /WEE


Anonymous at: 29 May 2011 at 00:46 said...

aku rasa, kalau berani gunalah nama betul. kamu hina mutalib yang dianggap pejuang rakyat sabah, apa guna? bikin dia popular lagi. kamu post di sabahkini pun dia tidak tapis. aku rasa kamu ini semua anak haram kerana tidak ada nama. apalah juga kamu buat muka dia macam babi? dia bukan babi. he he jangan-jangan kamu anak babi. Dia tidak serang peribadi Apdal anak pemabuk pun sudah baik bah. kamu serang dia buat apa? bikin habis beras saja. he he bodoh punya blog. kalau kamu padam komen aku bermakna ibumu kena amput shafie apdal

Anonymous at: 29 May 2011 at 14:27 said...

Laa... jgn ndak tau nama betul orang Sabahkini. Mohd Yatim Suhaili, Suriati Mahmud, Kunsul ha ha ha smua2 tu mutaliblah yg tulis... Pejuang? syohhh3x... pejuang apa tulis buku lucah...

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